I don’t even want to say Happy New Year.

I mean, of course I want you to be happy. I want it to be a good year for you. I just know what 2020 was like. I have a little idea of what you’ve been through this past year, and a couple of guesses as to what we as a collective may be facing this coming year. As much as I tend to be a dreamer, I know that 2021 will bring a touch more bullshit our way. 

Not getting all doom and gloom, just keeping it real. Anyway, my wish is that you have a healthy new year, a safe new year, a new year full of resiliency. 

My hope is that you learn and grow, and realize how strong you are. You realize how capable you are. My hope it that you find joy and gratitude for the smallest, simplest happenings. 

What is your hope for the New Year?

Not sure? That’s okay, take a little time and think about it.

I created a quick little prompt you can use to help, if you’d like.

What do I hope for?  I hope for ________________.

What do I hope for?  I hope for ________________.

What do I hope for?  I hope for ________________.

What do I hope for?  I hope for ________________.

What do I hope for?  I hope for ________________.

What do I hope for?  I hope for ________________.

What do I hope for?  I hope for ________________.

What do I hope for?  I hope for ________________.

What do I hope for?  I hope for ________________.

What do I hope for?  I hope for ________________.

The meaning of hope per Webster is “ to cherish a desire with anticipation: to want something to happen or be true.” 

2020 has brought many things into our lives that we’ve wished weren’t true, right? While we can’t change any of it, we can give ourselves a shot at priming our mindset, perhaps hacking 2021 a little by getting intentional with our hopes.

Hope has been shown to be give our moods a little positive boost. “Having hope feels good, but it's also good for you.”- https://www.apa.org/monitor/2013/10/mission-impossible

So, my New Year wish for you in 2021 is the presence of hope in your life.

Healthy Safe New Year to you & yours. 

With Love & Hope, 
